Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Secret of A Billionaire's Wife

 Do you believe in "Law of attraction"? Maybe you should need to give a minute to read the secret of a Billionaire's wife. 


Sure, when you look at the wives of billionaires, it's easy to think, "Wow, they sure look good. They were lucky to catch the eye of their billionaire husbands."

That's not really the case. According to Forbes' Billionaire Wives List: "Looks are good, but brains are even better." And that's a secret the wives of many of today's billionaires take to heart!

I'm sure you'll agree with me that most billionaires today are smart, hardworking, visionary people.
They are!
And I'm sure you'll also agree with me that such wonderful men would also want someone equally fantastic to spend the rest of their lives with.

That's why billionaire wives need to match up to and keep up with their billionaire husbands.

Ever heard of the phrase, "Behind every man's success is a woman?" You may be surprised to know that some billionaire wives are even smarter and more successful than their billionaire husbands!

So don't just work on your looks. Work on your mind, too.

Keep on moving!


Some women think that billionaire wives do nothing but go around spending their husbands' money.
That's NOT true! Many wives of billionaires today are billionaires in their own right -- working hard, taking risks, serving the community, etc.

Let me give a few examples...

Do you know Sergey Brin? He's the co-founder of Google, perhaps the best-known name on the Internet. In 2007, he married Ann Wojcicki, a Yale graduate.
Ann started out as a health-care analyst, but now owns her own biotech organization.

See? Now that she's the husband of Google's co-founder, she could just as well stop working and live comfortably for the rest of her life. 
But She didnt. She had a life of her own.

She didn't stop working, and instead opened an entirely new business centered around her expertise!

Here's another example. Do you know Michael Dell? He's the billionaire head honcho of Dell Computers.
His wife, Susan Dell, didn't heed the temptation to just sit back and enjoy the billionaire lifestyle. Instead, she hustled to live up to the title of "billionaire wife.'

Today, Susan heads her own fashion line. That's right -- she owns her own company! Definitely not someone who "sits around and does nothing," if you ask me!
After all, the most successful men out there definitely WON'T look for a woman who's only going to depend on them!


I'd like to give another example of a well-known billionaire wife. She's Melinda Gates, the wife of the billionaire head of Microsoft, Bill

She's done some notable work at her husband's community, developing some of its better-known products. But Melinda doesn't spend all her time at Microsoft.

In fact, she devotes a large chunk of her time, resources, and attention to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on reducing extreme poverty in Africa and improving education in America.

To date, she and her husband bill have donated more than 24 billion dollars to the Foundation.

Here's one secret about billionaire wives -- they're NOT money-grubbers. Many of them are actually kind-hearted,
gentle souls who DON'T think about themselves all the time.

Remember one thing -- the most successful, the most responsible, and the most commitment-ready men out there DON'T stay put.
They keep moving. They keep growing. And they keep finding ways to become even BETTER men as time goes by.
And here's the thing -- they'll want their girlfriends and wives to keep up with them. They'll want the women in their lives to be just as dynamic, if not more so, than they are.


Friday, September 16, 2011

My Stands about Marriage and Commitment

People blame marriage for causing bad relationships when it’s people who cause bad relationships. When a marriage fails, it’s not because the couple got married. It’s because people change. Or they realize that they don’t have what it takes to stay married to this person, which of course is something they should have realized long before they considered marrying him or her. But I don’t think it’s right to blame marriage per se for making people unhappy with each other. It’s not marriage that’s the problem; it’s that people see it differently than they used to.

It’s funny how gay people are fighting for the right to get married while straight people are eschewing it. I think marriage is important because of what it symbolizes: that you’re committed to one another and plan to make a life together. I know some people think that people who don’t get married aren’t willing to make that commitment and that’s not necessarily true.

Marriage may not always stand for lifelong commitment. But it is still true that marriage stands for some kind of commitment. Otherwise why bother to marry? Why do gays want to marry, for instance, especially when they are already able to reap the benefits of marriage by establishing themselves as domestic partners?

But that was their business. There are all different ways of showing that you have a commitment to another person. One is to have children together. You’ll always have ties with the other parent, even if you don’t marry. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston Broke up because Jen doesnt want to bear a child. Now, Brad is happily living together with Angelina and their kids without any marriage involve. I think extension of love is what giving the couple to stay together and more commited than ever.
Some people believe that staying together without marriage shows more commitment, because after all, you don’t have to stay together. When the actress Farrah Fawcett was dying of colon cancer, the man she had lived with for decades and had a child with (Ryan O’Neal) was there by her side even though they hadn’t been together for several years. In my opinion, this shows that they had felt married, no matter what they told the world.

Commitment is the real issue here. People get married because they want to show that they’re committed to the relationship. They often stay married because of that same commitment. But if the commitment is no longer there, divorce will almost inevitably follow.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

10 Things I wanna Do Before I Die

1. Fly A Plane.
2.Hang My Art in A Gallery.
3.Walk all the way of the Great Wall of China.
4.African Safari.
5.Drive a professional NASCAR Stock Car.
6..Cross a country on a bicycle.
7.Gate crash in a Private Party.
8.Meet the Dalai Lama.
9.Sleep under the stars.
10.Get Married.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

5 Traits That The Real Lady Should Have

1. She treats everyone as an equal
She would speak to the janitor, waiter or hotel receptionist as she would to her friends. Always polite, unhurried, undemanding. She does not gush or laugh a little louder to try to impress or please. She does not elevate or 'humble' herself. She has one manner for all.

2. She is Kind, Thoughtful And Considerate

Her speech is always gracious because complaining and being negative ruins someone's mood. 

3. She is a Quality over Quantity type of woman.

She develops an acute taste and eye for quality. This requires discipline, be it shopping for books or food. To prefer quality is a form of respect. She respects herself, the workmanship, and the cost of what it took to obtain it.

4. She Values Education and Self-Improvement

She makes an effort to be interested in matters outside herself. Therefore, reading is a mainstay hobby for intellectual pursuits and so are sport because it develops character. Travel is valued because it expands horizons and helps her gain perspective. It increases her understanding on culture.

5. She Contributes to Society

She often thinks about how she can give, and be a useful and contributing member of society. She realizes this and living larger than yourself is a source of great happiness and fulfillment.
Thus, she is generous. She wants in her own way, to make the world a better place. She wants to be a useful and contributing member of society

and always ask yourself, "What is the kindest way possible of doing this thing?".

Sunday, July 31, 2011

"get married or break up"

I just suddenly feel like writing today!

One of my friend, ok her name is Ms A, she called me 2:45 in the morning and freaking out....she said
she is gonna break up with her BF because he is not gonna propose to her.

"get married or break up"

she also said all her friends say he is a dick caz he date w/her for too long, and don't marry her.

hmmmm... I dont know...I couldn't say anything..
To be honest, i feel sorry for him.
i mean...


why they want to get "Marriage certificate" to legitimize relationship?
i know it sounds like Going against nature.

but think of it.
if they love each other and happy, that's just fabulous!! no need any certificate.

dont you think so?

maybe im strange... I also think the odds of having a successful relationship increase by not getting married....?!

Oh! Actually marriage has its good side for men!!!

I heard that "Married man live longer than single."

BUT married man are more willing to die.

Good night:)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Women Who Know Beauty Isn’t Everything

I’ve found that women who care about nothing more than looks lack a sense of purpose. They have no idea why God put them here (aside from sit there and look pretty), and are making no efforts to figure it out. They’re too busy shopping, clubbing, lounging, or chasing men to stop and consider their course. One day, they’ll look up and realize that they’re no longer that beautiful twenty-something girl they used to be. They’re 45 years-old, on the express train to the botox counter, praying that it will provide them some relief. Then, they’ll look over their shoulders, see that there are millions of women as young as they USED to be. Without purpose, what’s next? As young women, we often poke fun at the collagen laden, six and seven ex-husband having, would be cougars in the media. Instead of rushing to ridicule them, maybe we should consider what events brought those women to their current situation–where everyone raves about how beautiful they “were” but have little to say about the women they become.

Monday, May 30, 2011



Players are basically men, whether
they're single or otherwise, who play
the dating game solely for the fun of

As you might expect, players aren't
great for relationships. They CAN be
hot, steamy boyfriends for a few weeks
or so -- but once they have their way
with you, they get bored.

Here are a few ways to tell whether or
not he's a player...


Player Red-Flag #1 - A player wants sex
early in the relationship. Does he talk
about or suggest having sex within the
first few weeks of the relationship?

Does he sometimes schedule to meet you
somewhere private, such as at his place
or yours?

Be careful -- having sex early in the
relationship is NEVER good for you!
(It's only good for him, and no one

After having sex with you, he'll start
thinking he has already "conquered"
you -- and he'll lose interest in
keeping the relationship going any


Player Red-Flag #2 - A player doesn't
like to talk about the future.

In fact, he avoids talking about the
relationship a lot .

He's much, much more interested in the
present than the future!

Let's face it -- players have no plans
of keeping you as their girlfriend for
very long. Once they find a new toy (a
new woman, obviously), they'll dump you.

They'll spend less time with you,
causing you to get angry and argue with
them -- and they'll use that as an
excuse to say, "It's not really
working out for us."

Double ouch!

Player Red-Flag #3 - A player isn't too
interested about your background.

He doesn't listen too well, and gets
bored quickly when you talk to him about
yourself and more "intellectual"
topics. When he talks, it's mostly about

That's a given -- after all, players
survive in the dating game by marketing
themselves. They want to look good,
sound good, and feel good to the women
they meet. After all, that all that
matters to him -- "winning" women's

-Good Luck!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

You are beautiful

There comes  a time when we  feel a little insecure about ourselves.  Even the sexiest or the prettiest people  we know have some down time too.

I’ve been through all of that, when dolling up, wearing nice clothes and sexy stilettos doesn’t make any wonders at all to change my mood. Believe me, I usually ended up wearing my favorite robe, watching movies at home and chill.

I’d come to realized  that everybody has its own gratification of beauty. None the less, most of us doesn’t even bother to work on that and cultivate ourselves to be one.
The good thing is we don’t actually need to put a lot of effort to be like everybody else. Why? Because in the first place, we don’t need to. Everyone of us is special and has its own uniqueness.
We are beautiful in our own ways.
If we feel beautiful then we are beautiful, if we think we are beautiful then we are beautiful. It is a state of mind.

Sometimes, insecurities lead us to focus more on the areas that  needs improvement. All we need to do is to navigate negativity in to positivity to makes us a better person.
Lets embrace being ourselves, nobody is perfect and nobody has got to be . Perfection is boring and boring is a dead man. You don’t wanna be a dead man, right?

Life is a trial and error, everybody sucks and make mistakes everyone of us has been into a couple of troubles. Some people got stagnant and some already  moved on. Who are you there?

Beauty is really broad, some people think that beauty is limited to how the way you look, some limits it how witty, wealthy, confident or extravagant you live your life or how good looking is your BF or GF. But for me beauty is the way you handle the difficulties but at the same time you manage to present yourself as a happy person.

Beauty is when you know when to stand up for what you believe in and yet know how to give up for something. It is how you know when to let go of your greatest possession for the benefits of others and for the love of yourself.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Do you like listen to love songs?

Sometimes they're fun, right? Some songs can remind us of our own experiences, letting us relive the joy and the pain of relationships past.

There's just one problem about listening to love songs -- sometimes we take the lyrics as doctrine truth.

Lyrics like, "I'll do anything for you," "I love you more than you'll ever know," and "I'm down on my knees, begging you please come home" give us the idea that TRUE LOVE is all about loving our boyfriends more than we love ourselves.

Which is silly!

You can't give love unless you have it in YOU, first.

And when you love a person, you can only love them to the extent of how much you love yourself.

If you love yourself a lot, then you can love that person a LOT.

But if you don't love yourself, then believe me, you won't love him/her, either.

I can already hear some of you saying, "Kimmy, violent objection. I DO love my Boo more than I love myself. And he/she  makes me very happy in return. How come my relationship is working out?"

Trust me, if your relationship works out FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, I'd like to hear from you again. It'll be the first!


Friends, read this carefully….
You'll need to stop depending on men OR women -- or ANYONE ELSE -- for your own happiness.

Your happiness is YOUR job.

It's YOUR job to grow into a strong, independent, optimistic person. It's YOUR job to make things happen in your life. It's YOUR job to enjoy good relationships with everyone  you meet.

I'll say it again -- everything starts with YOU.

Unless you value, love, and grow yourself, no one else will.

So all you need to do is to develop the right mindset, the right skills, and the right state of mind to handle a relationship correctly -- and even SAVE it when the need arises.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3 Lies All Men Tell

In today's article, we'll talk about the
three tell-tale signs that he's lying to

Lying Sign #1 - When He Asks A Lot About
You, But He Doesn't Talk Much About

Does he know a LOT about you, but you
don't know much about him?

Does he tend to avoid your personal
questions, or does he just give vague
descriptions of his life?

Is he still a big mystery to you, even
after you've dated for a while?

Be careful -- if he asks a lot of
questions about you, but at the same
time avoids answering questions about
himself and his lies, then he's probably
hiding something.

And when he's hiding something, it's
usually not good news!

Lying Sign #2 - When The Relationship
Starts Out TOO Well.

I know all relationships get off on a
fantastic note. It's like buying a car
-- the "new car smell" can be pretty

But when you feel the relationship
started out TOO well -- as though it was
too good to be true -- then be careful.
You might be unwittingly playing into
his twisted game.

Some guys out there are GREAT at finding
our weak spots. They easily find what
makes us tick, allowing them to attack
our weaknesses and leave us vulnerable.

So be careful if the relationship starts
out a little too well. Take it slow, and
make sure you do a quiet background
check on the guy. It could save your

Lying Sign #3 - When You THINK He's

Have you ever had the feeling that he's
PROBABLY lying about something, but you
can't put your finger on it?

How many times have you dismissed the
idea, telling yourself that you're just
being paranoid?

Be careful -- it could be your INTUITION
speaking. And our woman's intuition is
one of Mother Nature's biggest gifts to

It's the same intuition that tells us
what a guy's personality is like even
before he says a word. It's the same
intuition that tells us which of the men
you meet have the hots for you.

And it's the same intuition that raises
red flags in shady situations!

Trust me, your intuition is a POWERFUL
tool. And when you hone it correctly, it
can keep you from ending up with the
worst kinds of men -- and, at the same
time, it can lead you closer to the men
who are actually READY and WILLING to
take care of you!

So whenever your intuition tells you to
step lightly, heed it. Paranoia is never
good, but in a dangerous situation, it's
better to be paranoid than at risk!

It Can Happen To Anyone!

It's a discouraging fact, but while the
number of emotionally-unavailable single
men out there keeps growing, the number
of liars keep growing, too. So the
dating game will likely always remain a
challenge. Good Luck! :)

In today's article, we'll talk about the
three tell-tale signs that he's lying to

Lying Sign #1 - When He Asks A Lot About
You, But He Doesn't Talk Much About

Does he know a LOT about you, but you
don't know much about him?

Does he tend to avoid your personal
questions, or does he just give vague
descriptions of his life?

Is he still a big mystery to you, even
after you've dated for a while?

Be careful -- if he asks a lot of
questions about you, but at the same
time avoids answering questions about
himself and his lies, then he's probably
hiding something.

And when he's hiding something, it's
usually not good news!

Lying Sign #2 - When The Relationship
Starts Out TOO Well.

I know all relationships get off on a
fantastic note. It's like buying a car
-- the "new car smell" can be pretty

But when you feel the relationship
started out TOO well -- as though it was
too good to be true -- then be careful.
You might be unwittingly playing into
his twisted game.

Some guys out there are GREAT at finding
our weak spots. They easily find what
makes us tick, allowing them to attack
our weaknesses and leave us vulnerable.

So be careful if the relationship starts
out a little too well. Take it slow, and
make sure you do a quiet background
check on the guy. It could save your

Lying Sign #3 - When You THINK He's

Have you ever had the feeling that he's
PROBABLY lying about something, but you
can't put your finger on it?

How many times have you dismissed the
idea, telling yourself that you're just
being paranoid?

Be careful -- it could be your INTUITION
speaking. And our woman's intuition is
one of Mother Nature's biggest gifts to

It's the same intuition that tells us
what a guy's personality is like even
before he says a word. It's the same
intuition that tells us which of the men
you meet have the hots for you.

And it's the same intuition that raises
red flags in shady situations!

Trust me, your intuition is a POWERFUL
tool. And when you hone it correctly, it
can keep you from ending up with the
worst kinds of men -- and, at the same
time, it can lead you closer to the men
who are actually READY and WILLING to
take care of you!

So whenever your intuition tells you to
step lightly, heed it. Paranoia is never
good, but in a dangerous situation, it's
better to be paranoid than at risk!

It Can Happen To Anyone!

It's a discouraging fact, but while the
number of emotionally-unavailable single
men out there keeps growing, the number
of liars keep growing, too. So the
dating game will likely always remain a
challenge. Good Luck! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All.

Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All.

How true is that statement? Can a little ingredient of love make any difference in your relationships with others? I believe so. So how can it really?

Let’s look at the definition of love first.

I came up with my own, after considering a number of factors: Love is the tenderness that we feel for somebody; the genuine concern about their welfare; and the desire for them to succeed and be happy. Love puts self out of sight, and hopes for the betterment of the loved subject even at the expense of the lover.

It means that love is the thing which gives meaning to life, and it can overcome great obstacles to accomplish its purpose.

It means that no matter what happens, if you are truly in love, you will get through it. It means the same as 'love overcomes all obstacles.'

Yes, love conquers all things. If the world showed only a little love, just a little more love, we could solve nearly all our problems. No one would have more than the other, because we would all share. No one would despise each other because we would all love each other. No one would insist on his own way, because we would all put the other first. No one would war against the other, because we would not want to hurt anyone.

Yes, love conquers all things, and no one would really understand it unless they fall in love.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to spot if you're Dating a Gold Digger?

I got plenty of emails coming from guys asking if I could write some thoughts coming from a lady's point of view. Most of my blogs in the past are certainly pointed about how us girls would be irresistable and attractive to guys eyes. So just to give our guy readers a brieft hints about how girls think I answered a question comin from one of our readers.

"how do we know if girls are after us and not just after money?"

You can tell if someone likes you if they show that they care about what you are feeling. They will really listen to your needs and issues. If they are just using you they will basically act as if they have nothing and depend on you for everything.

Please keep in mind guys that there’s a different between a gold digger and a girl with a taste for the finer things in life…. Ok so let me break it down to you

Gentlemen, Please pay attention to this type of girls that you might encounter on a date.

Gold Digger :

Generally, they are the type who prefer to wear Prada, but for the life of them, couldn't tell you how to spell it. They're not ashamed to flaunt their high profile status and alert you up front that you "have to pay to play" aside from the fact that her favorite phrase goes something like "my coochie is always dressed in Gucci!"
"Gold diggers
are often charismatic and know how to give the person they desire exactly what he needs until the well runs dry. Then, they split leaving the person who's been paying their way high, dry and emotionally hurt. So how does a guy avoid getting one as a girlfriend? " Check if youre girlfriend is...

“Your girlfriend has never dated a "regular" Joe. 
“Your girlfriend is only interested in materialistic activities.

-        Yeah, I know. Bummer right? 
Don’t worry guys karmas a bitch,, in the end they get whats coming, to bad we cant see it when it happens..

Girl with a taste for the finer things in life I called them “Miss Independent”.

-        This type of girls are totally different to a Gold digger, They have class and style they don’t ask for anyone’s help and have dignity for themselves. This girls don’t actually care about social standard or social ladder because this girls are more focus in their career compare to those Gold diggers who use social activities to catch big fishes.
-        "She doesn’t expect you to take her out to dinner every night, a home cooked meal is always a nice bonding. She Appreciate when you surprise her with her favorite Starbucks drink when she gets up in the morning. This girl prepare special occasions than materialistic activities."
This type of woman believes in equality -- not one of the radical man-haters, or the hypocritical pseudo-feminists who think that equality means "I demand equal rights and an equal salary, but a man still has to pay for me." They genuinely like men, and understand that equality means equality across the board, from holding the door open to fighting on the front lines. They believe that a relationship should be a 50/50 partnership, and are more than willing to shoulder their half of the responsibilities and dating expenses.

-        She also has a real life of her own and is happily going in her own positive direction. She's the type who wants a man in her life, but doesn't need a man in her life. And she certainly isn't looking for men to solve all her problems or blame when things don't go her way. 

-        So I hope you already figured out what kind of girl you are dating now. Goodluck and I hope it helps. J  

How to Make Him Love You

Today, we'll talk about the 4 buttons
you'll need to push to make a man want
you, even if you're only talking for the
first time or sitting down for your
first date.

After all, it's the first impression
that lasts the longest -- let's make it

Here we go with Button #1:


Ever heard of the phrase, "A picture
paints a thousand words?"

That's very true, especially in the
dating game!

The first "picture" he sees of you --
that's when he sees you for the first
time -- will "talk" to him long before
you actually say your first words to

You don't have to look the best, by the
way -- just look the best you can
possibly be.


Here's another interesting button to

In the real world, men are used to the
usual fakery that comes in the dating
game and the Internet.

They've met their fair share of women
who lie about their age, their jobs,
their plans for the future, etc., just
to be loved.

But if you present yourself as YOURSELF
-- with absolutely nothing to hide, and
nothing to be ashamed of -- then it's a
breath of fresh air for him!

It might actually catch him by surprise,
leaving him wondering if you're "for

All of a sudden, he's not going to see
you as a "one-night-stand" girl, but a
possible partner for the long term.

And if he's ready for a real
relationship, he's going to stick around
and try to find out!


Sure, you may not be the richest girl on
the block.

You may not be the prettiest or the
sexiest, and you may not know too much
about fashion.

That's okay!

You'll need a "secret weapon."

This "secret weapon" is actually the
great equalizer in the dating game.

With it, you don't have to be the
richest, prettiest, sexiest, or smartest
girl around -- but you'll still make the
men around you WANT YOU all to

What is this "great equalizer?"

You might be surprised -- it's actually
very simple.


Ever noticed how the most confident men
out there are also the most attractive?

It doesn't seem to matter if they're not
the tallest, richest, or best-looking --
their confidence literally BECKONS to
you to come closer and say "Hi!"

Well, guess what? It works both ways!

Men ALSO zoom into women who are strong,
confident, and independent.

They like being with a woman who can
take care of herself -- after all, it's
a lot more fun to have a
"low-maintenance" girlfriend than one
who BEGS for their support!

So when you're not ashamed of yourself
-- when you're confident enough to just
go out there and NOT care what other
people think of you -- it's a major

It pushes all the right buttons on the
men you meet. When men know you're
living a fabulous life, you can bet
they'll want to be a part of it!


During first dates, many of us make the
mistake of wondering, "Is he the one?"

And we end up becoming a nervous wreck
throughout the date, making sure we're
saying and doing all the right things,
making sure he'll LIKE us.

Of course, that never works. Men aren't
dumb, and they can tell you're putting
on a show.

So don't make the mistake -- just lay
back, have fun, and focus on having a
great time with him.






If you keep things light and fun for
him, he's going to be VERY interested in
a second date!

Here's the sad statistic -- whenever you
date a new single guy, chances are he's
not ready to handle a real relationship.
(There are more players than
boyfriend-material guys out there, after

So don't focus on the "future" -- just
make the most out of the "now!"

When he realizes he absolutely LOVES
spending time with you, he might
actually MAN UP for you -- and start
courting. Congratulations!

Ladies, I just taught you four of the
most important buttons to push in the
men you meet. These buttons are meant to
turn them from being UNINTERESTED to
being VERY INTERESTED indeed! So Goodluck! :D