Friday, September 16, 2011

My Stands about Marriage and Commitment

People blame marriage for causing bad relationships when it’s people who cause bad relationships. When a marriage fails, it’s not because the couple got married. It’s because people change. Or they realize that they don’t have what it takes to stay married to this person, which of course is something they should have realized long before they considered marrying him or her. But I don’t think it’s right to blame marriage per se for making people unhappy with each other. It’s not marriage that’s the problem; it’s that people see it differently than they used to.

It’s funny how gay people are fighting for the right to get married while straight people are eschewing it. I think marriage is important because of what it symbolizes: that you’re committed to one another and plan to make a life together. I know some people think that people who don’t get married aren’t willing to make that commitment and that’s not necessarily true.

Marriage may not always stand for lifelong commitment. But it is still true that marriage stands for some kind of commitment. Otherwise why bother to marry? Why do gays want to marry, for instance, especially when they are already able to reap the benefits of marriage by establishing themselves as domestic partners?

But that was their business. There are all different ways of showing that you have a commitment to another person. One is to have children together. You’ll always have ties with the other parent, even if you don’t marry. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston Broke up because Jen doesnt want to bear a child. Now, Brad is happily living together with Angelina and their kids without any marriage involve. I think extension of love is what giving the couple to stay together and more commited than ever.
Some people believe that staying together without marriage shows more commitment, because after all, you don’t have to stay together. When the actress Farrah Fawcett was dying of colon cancer, the man she had lived with for decades and had a child with (Ryan O’Neal) was there by her side even though they hadn’t been together for several years. In my opinion, this shows that they had felt married, no matter what they told the world.

Commitment is the real issue here. People get married because they want to show that they’re committed to the relationship. They often stay married because of that same commitment. But if the commitment is no longer there, divorce will almost inevitably follow.

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