Friday, July 1, 2011

Women Who Know Beauty Isn’t Everything

I’ve found that women who care about nothing more than looks lack a sense of purpose. They have no idea why God put them here (aside from sit there and look pretty), and are making no efforts to figure it out. They’re too busy shopping, clubbing, lounging, or chasing men to stop and consider their course. One day, they’ll look up and realize that they’re no longer that beautiful twenty-something girl they used to be. They’re 45 years-old, on the express train to the botox counter, praying that it will provide them some relief. Then, they’ll look over their shoulders, see that there are millions of women as young as they USED to be. Without purpose, what’s next? As young women, we often poke fun at the collagen laden, six and seven ex-husband having, would be cougars in the media. Instead of rushing to ridicule them, maybe we should consider what events brought those women to their current situation–where everyone raves about how beautiful they “were” but have little to say about the women they become.