Sunday, January 2, 2011

5 Secrets He Keeps From You

In today's article, I'd like to talk
about five common secrets that men keep
from us. You may have been wondering
about these for a while, and the
revelations may surprise you!

Now take note that this article isn't
mean't to "blow his cover." I'm not
telling you to read this article, then
go ahead and confront him about the new
things you've learned. Trust me, that's
just a silly thing to do.

When you learn something new and secret
about a guy, it's supposed to teach you
a new way to make your relationship with
your sweetie even BETTER. Not worse!

So please keep that in mind as I reveal
to you some of the most interesting --
and perhaps funniest -- secrets men

Men's Secret #1 - He Doesn't Always Want
To Spend Time With You.

He might tell you, over and over in
fact, that he loves spending time with
you. And that might lull you into
thinking that the more often you spend
time with each other, the stronger the
relationship becomes.

That's true and false at the same time!

It's true that spending quality time
with each other makes the relationship
stronger. But spend TOO much time with
him, and he might start feeling
suffocated. And he's going to want to
get away from you.

Usually, he'll give excuses such as, "I
can't meet you on Wednesday, I'm
watching a ball game," or "The weekend's
not good for me -- I'd like to rest."

It's just a polite way of saying, "Right
now, I'm not in the mood."

But don't get mad at him -- after all,
taking care of a relationship takes a
lot of energy, and you'll want to give
your man some time to relax.

My advice? Don't pressure him to meet
too often during the week. Often two
meetings a week -- a dinner during the
workday and a longer date on the
weekend, for instance -- is a great

Men's Secret #2 - He STILL Thinks About
Other Women.

When you catch your man throwing glances
at other women while you're at the mall,
don't get mad. Sure, he may find them
hot, but he's not about to LEAVE you for

It's much the same way you find soap
opera actors attractive. You look at
them, you admire their good looks, and
you may even wonder what it would be
like to have such a great looker as a

But do you go ahead and leave your
boyfriend for the guy?

No, right?

I hope not!

Men's Secret #3 - He STILL Loves His

No matter how good your boyfriend may be
to you, it's likely that he had a good
bachelor life -- and secretly wishes to
experience the fun he used to have while
still single.

That's why your boyfriend doesn't seem
to miss you all that much, especially if
you meet more than twice a week. He's
finding his "free time" a lot more

But don't get mad if he does. Instead,
let him enjoy his free time. After all,
absence makes the heart grow fonder --
and he'll miss you more if he hasn't
seen you in three days than if you just
had a date yesterday!

Men's Secret #4 - He Secretly Doesn't
Want You To Do Better Than Him

Naturally, it's always a good thing to
advance your career or grow your
businesses, especially as the big "M"
word gets recited more and more in your

But secretly, he likes it better if he
was making more money than you were.
It's a guy thing -- after all, it's been
Mother Nature's design that the males of
the species brought home the bacon,
while the females cooked it.

Now how would a guy feel if his
girlfriend both brought home the bacon
AND cooked it?

The best way to avoid this problem is to
NOT talk about your job, your
businesses, or your stock portfolio too
much. If you know you're making more
than he is, don't mention it.

Instead, try to encourage him to grow
his own career. Ask him constructive
questions, such as, "You've been working
hard lately. When's the promotion
coming?" or "I see you like fixing
things. Ever thought of turning that
into a little extra cash for yourself?"

Men's Secret #5 - He Loves You More As
Time Goes By.

Hard to believe, huh?

But seriously -- he DOES tend to love
you more and more as time goes by.
Several scientific studies have shown

Here's the thing -- he just doesn't tell

Which, of course, is a good thing. How
would you feel if he told you, "I love
you more today"? Naturally, you'll be
wondering, "Why? You mean you didn't
love me as much yesterday?"

Men know it's risky to tell you that
they love you more as time goes by. So
they don't say it.

The problem is that some women worry too
much about this. They worry that the
"loving feeling" may be slipping away.

Of course, the WORRY actually makes it

Whenever you worry, you cast a shadow of
gloom over the relationship. Even if you
don't tell him you're worried, he'll
sense it. And it'll make him feel
uncomfortable in the relationship.

So here's my tip -- get rid of the
worry. Focus on the positive sides of
the relationship. After all, whatever
you focus on GROWS!

10 Random Facts About Me

1. I am a SouthPaw.
2. I cannot and will not function without a cup of coffee in the morning.
3. I’m against the death penalty.
4. I had my first kiss at 18 years of age.
5. I love listening to Classical Music.
6. I easily get attached to people, even on things.
7. I love flirting.
8. I have the capacity to love unconditionally.
9. I hate fixing, So I'd rather replace it anyway.
10. Im not compatible to dependent creature, Because I am much more of a go-getter in matters of the heart.