Monday, February 21, 2011

Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All.

Amor Vincit Omnia - Love Conquers All.

How true is that statement? Can a little ingredient of love make any difference in your relationships with others? I believe so. So how can it really?

Let’s look at the definition of love first.

I came up with my own, after considering a number of factors: Love is the tenderness that we feel for somebody; the genuine concern about their welfare; and the desire for them to succeed and be happy. Love puts self out of sight, and hopes for the betterment of the loved subject even at the expense of the lover.

It means that love is the thing which gives meaning to life, and it can overcome great obstacles to accomplish its purpose.

It means that no matter what happens, if you are truly in love, you will get through it. It means the same as 'love overcomes all obstacles.'

Yes, love conquers all things. If the world showed only a little love, just a little more love, we could solve nearly all our problems. No one would have more than the other, because we would all share. No one would despise each other because we would all love each other. No one would insist on his own way, because we would all put the other first. No one would war against the other, because we would not want to hurt anyone.

Yes, love conquers all things, and no one would really understand it unless they fall in love.